10 Informative Museum Ludwig Facts


Museum Ludwig Facts

  1. The museum was established in 1976 as an independent institution from the Wallraf-Richartz Museum.
  2. In 2016 the museum joined forces with the Bell Art Center to organize an unofficial retrospective of Anselm Kiefer, which opened at Beijing’s Central Academy of Fine Arts.
  3. Today the museum houses the most comprehensive collection of early Russian avant-garde artworks outside Russia.
  4. In 1999 Steve Keene painted in the museum.
  5. Museum Ludwig has one of the largest Picasso collections in Europe & It holds many works by Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein.
  6. On Novem­ber 1, 2001 the mu­se­um was re­opened by Kasper König. Un­der his di­rec­tion (2000–12) the col­lec­tion was ex­pand­ed with es­sen­tial pie­ces and en­tire groups of works, es­pe­cial­ly in the area of con­tem­po­rary art, and is to­day one of the lead­ing mu­se­ums of mod­ern and con­tem­po­rary art in Eu­rope.
  7. In Oc­to­ber 1946 a se­lec­tion of one hun­dred paint­ings was shown for the first time at the old Uni­ver­si­ty of Cologne.
  8. On Fe­bruary 5, 1976 Peter and Irene Lud­wig and the Ci­ty of Cologne signed a do­na­tion con­tract found­ing the Mu­se­um Lud­wig.
  9. The world’s largest private collection of Picasso’s art has been offered to a museum in Cologne, Germany, by the widow of a renowned art patron.
  10. In February 2015, Yil­maz Dziewior was made the director of the musuem. 
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