Tag: Flanders

  • 10 Interesting facts about Ostend

    10 Interesting facts about Ostend

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    Fun and Interesting facts about Ostend Comic Le Bal Du Rat Mort is about a dreadful invasion of rats and its set in Ostend. Ostend is connected to Bruges and Ghent by Canals. Ostend was the last Dutch stronghold in Belgium in 1583. During World War I Ostend was a major German Submarine base until…

  • List of Cities in Belgium

    List of Cities in Belgium


    Belgium is a European Country that’s part of the European Union, has an area of 11,787 sq mi and Population over 11 Million. The Biggest city by Population and size is Brussels, Brussels hosts the official seats of the European Commission, Council of the European Union, and European Council. Belgium is divided into three main Regions:…